Sunday, March 13, 2011

24 hours in Zurich, an old friend and a lesson learnt.

OK OK, I'm sorry. I've been slack. I've just been sooooo busy you know... with, stuff.
Without divulging into too many details, after relaxing and experimenting in the kitchen (aka: being lazy) for a week in Lorrach, Germany, I bit the bullet and booked a trip to Zurich for a night.
I had been doing some high class facebook stalking and discovered an old school friend of mine living in Munich, so I invited her to surf a couch with me in Zurich. Our couch hosts took us out to a club in Zurich, and while they danced Kristy and I caught up on the past 5 years.
Sitting on the couch together we were approached by 2 charming young men. Naturally, like old times we did the ol' "fake name, fake age" trick, (I'm Sarah by the way, I'm 26) which backfired when they stole my wallet... I don't think they liked me much, I didn't see them or my wallet again. Pity really.

Anyway, Zurich was lovely, and I learnt that if I'm going to give a fake name I should probably hold my wallet a little closer to my chest. It's a dead giveaway when none of the cards in my wallet say Sarah...

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